Base Stats
Strength: 28
Intellect: 104
Endurance: 94
Dexterity: 35
Wisdom: 35
Luck: 52
Intellect: 104
Endurance: 94
Dexterity: 35
Wisdom: 35
Luck: 52
Auto Attack
Rank Needed: 1 Mana Cost: 0 Mana Cooldown: 2 Seconds Type: Physical Description: A basic attack, taught to all adventurers. | |
Healing Word
Rank Needed: 1 Mana Cost: 30 Mana Cooldown: 6 Seconds Type: Magical Description: Heals a friendly target for a large amount immediately, and up to 3 additional nearby targets for a smaller amount. Applies Radiance to the first target, healing for an additional amount over 16 seconds, and restoring some mana to the caster when the target takes damage. Note: You will be attacked if you heal a player that is in combat. | |
Heart Beat
Rank Needed: 2 Mana Cost: 12 Mana Cooldown: 2 Seconds Type: Magical Description: Deals 10% of current HP plus moderate magical damage to the target. | |
Energy Flow
Rank Needed: 3 Mana Cost: 5 Mana Cooldown: 12 Seconds Type: Magical Description: Grants Mana to the caster each time the target takes damage for 12 seconds. Also applies Inhibition, reducing the target's damage by 30% for 8 seconds. | |
Clear Mind
Rank Needed: 5 Mana Cost: 20 Mana Cooldown: 20 Seconds Type: Magical Description: Reduces friendly target's Mana cost by 50% for 10 seconds. |
Passive Abilities | |||
Pure Hearted
Rank Needed: 4 Type: Passive Description: Increases healing by 10%
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